The history of the library and our museum are intimately related. This extensive book collection has grown in size since the 1950s thanks to public donations and since the 1960s due to exchanges and purchases.

There are 35,000 publications (books, periodicals, exhibition catalogues). The most valuable documents include seven manuscripts from the second half of the 18th century, 15 library documents dating from before 1701, and 343 books of special national importance published before 1851 in Hungary and abroad.

Our collection includes 23,696 books, 8,674 periodicals and 3751 exhibition catalogues.

The Pál Pátzay collection consists of 774 books and 193 catalogues. Another, the János Győző Szabó collection contains 1,069 books.

Our library services include lending, the provision of information and referrals.


This specialist reference library is partially open to the public. External researchers can only access items on the premises. There is no registration fee.